Can you cry with contact lenses

Can you cry with contact lenses

Contact lenses go directly into the eye, they sit right on the corneal surface. Rigid contact lenses sit on a layer of moisture called the tear film while soft lenses use your body’s tears to remain moist and lubricated. However, a legitimate question asked by contact lens wearers is whether you can cry with your contact lenses in, is it safe to do so? The simple answer to this question is; Yes. Whatever the reasons or cause, whether you’re crying tears of joy, sadness, or any other emotion, it is perfectly safe to cry while wearing your contact lenses. There is no risk of harm to your eye or to your ocular surfaces from the act of crying. You will do no damage. The only concern or caution that you’ll want to be aware of is that you’ll want to be careful about touching your eyes excessively, especially in a wiping or rubbing motion as this could fold your contact lens on you eye or, worst case scenario, dislodge the lens completely from your cornea. It’s not that you can’t dry your eyes while crying, rather, it is recommended that if you have to, it’s best to do so with a dabbing motion instead of a wiping one. This motion will have the least impact on the contact lens itself and minimize the risk of dislodging it. Surprisingly, crying while wearing contact lenses can actually be beneficial to the lens as it helps lubricate the contact lenses, allowing for a more fluid movement around the cornea itself. Remember, the contact lens is designed to work with your tear film. It uses your tears to stay lubricated, clean, and comfortable. Excess tearing, like crying, can actually assist with this entire process. A final consideration about crying with contact lenses in your eyes is the cleaning of your contact lenses after you remove them. The extra tears may cause an increase in the amount of deposits or makeup accumulating on the contact lens surface. These deposits are carried in the tear fluid and build up over time, while makeup can be washed from other areas of the eye and onto the contact lenses themselves. This can have a negative impact on comfort and clarity though again, these are not exceptionally concerning issues as a more thorough cleaning upon removal of the contact lenses will correct the issue and return the clarity and comfort. A clear contact lens well fitted by your Licensed Optician will ensure you get the best and clearest vision through your contact lenses and avoid any blurriness. They will also check the surface of your lens for deposits and build up during your regularly scheduled follow-ups and give tips and tricks for keeping those lenses as clean and clear as possible. In conclusion, you can cry safely with your contact lenses in. And truly if you think about it, it would be pretty inconvenient if you couldn’t as you never know when your next tears are going to drop.

Derick Summers
R.O Freelance Optician and Trainer